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Added Apr 22, 2021
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hello my name is Kurt Campbell and I have the honor of being the principal at Ralston Elementary steam Academy Charleston is the past and focus on the future it's really embodies the mission of our school web great historical past week through 12 school we have a lot of Community Pride and tradition throughout her school and can you also have a lot of teachers and parents that are former alumni the Charleston just have to create a family atmosphere where families come in I feel like the second we are a smaller community school with little over three hundred students as you need because we treat our kids like they're our kids and also her parents also want is straight their kids watch our kids there's a great deal of love to poor investment and put input not only from from our staff but also our families and Community Partners I just want to say thank you for taking the time to look at all the great opportunities we have a drumstick how old is a very great scholarship. I like tough Elementary because we have a lot of great teachers and and it's really fun we did fine arts which is leading the Lion King and we have this old store helium like African language that we had to learn to get ready really fun what are the strong focus on staying that science technology engineering Arts with egg and math through really wanted to incorporate arts in which film we have a great fine arts program require program also including the visual art over the past couple years we have worked hard to create a buddy I program that students love with a bag for Romeo I've also created at community garden Charleston would be a place where you feel like a part of the family you feel a part of the community since it's a smaller school and a smaller town you just feel more at home you know nothing big classrooms and things like that and more of the close-knit community and the tradition that talks and has chocolate definitely of school Traditions a lot of the community around supports our school and has for many years so is it important to have of my kids as well do to make this Vision reality work partner with some of our local businesses and Industry like aulenbacher and the Bradley County public education foundation work with us to bring all those Industries together to invest in a steam lab here at Charleston so we have that why I was different types of Technologies that's available to all of our students K through 5 and it's really exciting to see our kids in there working together problem solving with Hands-On learning mess just really boost start at school or tenants and learning environment for businesses and Industry know that investing in our kids early is going to make the difference for a community in their Workforce later on we also write grants received 3D printers coding these other types of equipment and then there's also a kinds of plants growing in our library for a media specialist works with the butterflies and Farms ladybugs in so students actually see life cycle is happening when they come into the library and that connects back to water learning in the classroom when I came to Charleston three years ago I looked in watching the library no really wanted to make it an interactive Hands-On learning in but not just said let's go check out books environment so I've gone through the public Ed foundation and written a grant every year since I've been here to add things to my library to make it engaging we have done worm farms we did that applies every year the first year I was here I had students in every grade level no student had watched the life cycle of a butterfly actually happened even my 5th graders I've added a 3D printer my 5th graders have done a project every year science project printing something on the printer and then seeing how it works we've done any launchers and fidget Spinners so far we're looking at boats for this year and which ones will float and how much weight they they could carry iPad is Legos that I used both for math and reading and social studies they build war scenes or talking about Civil War Revolutionary War in different grade levels and I have to write like they were soldier in that war we like to plant things and we like to paint in the library so it's not really a good place for carpet like most library and I enjoy watching the kids come alive when when they realized read in a book that can transfer over to something they can actually do children learn best when they're doing and with our steam lab with what we do in the library with our our steam grants that would carry over to the classroom there's a lot Hands-On engaging things in when kids are engaged to two wire I would say that we are at caring family focused on learning focused on doing what's best for kids we really want to prepare our students for their futures
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